Your Opportunity
Serving at Bethany for the summer is similar to being ON MISSION. Our Summer Staff is a team of hard-working high school and college students that have the privilege of serving and growing during the summer. Our Summer Staff serves about 10 weeks of camp and will also have a week of training camp to kick the summer off. The Summer Staff is a part of the Bethany family and our goal is to serve our guests well and remove all the distractions that are possible so that everyone may have a closer relationship with Jesus.
Serving Opportunities
Our Summer Staffers assist in all areas of the camp including:
Life Guarding
Pool Maintenance
Outdoor Recreation
Summer Life
Our Summer Staffers have the opportunity to live on campus while they are serving with us for the summer. Our summer usually lasts from Mid-May to Early-August. Food and Lodging are included while serving with us.
Another huge part of our Summer Staff is the community that we develop with each other. We will pray together! We will serve together! We will live together! We will eat together! We will have fun together! And we will grow together! We will spend time together growing both in servant leadership but also in our own spiritual lives. There are many long days and long weeks that we will do together!